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It seems that wedding videos are a trend right now. I mean, wedding videos edited like a short movie. Before, I thought that couples from the showbiz industry are the only ones who could possibly be able to have their wedding videos as beautifully created as the ones we have today.

I am sharing my cousins’ wedding videos to you guys so you could see how can videographers/creative minds can make your wedding more memorable and special — even beyond what you imagined.

This was by Mayad Studios. I super adore this team’s works! Their themes really make the video and the wedding seem like it’s an actual movie. I can see how creative and brilliant their minds are.

Actually, there is another video by Mayad Studios for my Ate Aileen’s wedding. I think it’s the pre-wedding video. Unfortunately, I can’t find it on the net and I can’t find our copy of it. Well, I think the copy is still at Ate Aileen’s house. I don’t really know. I like the pre-wedding video than this one but it’s theme and content are different naman except for Ate Aileen, Kuya Edward and their love for each other. Haha. I highly recommend Mayad Studios for couples who are planning to get married! They are so brilliant check my cousin’s wedding video outttt!

Video URL: http://www.mayadstudios.com/blog/videos/aileen-and-edward

For wedding photos, I also highly recommend Nelwin Uy. His photos are amaziiing. Here are some of his photos. I really hope I will be able to afford him, or my “future husband” (haha) will be able to afford his services! Click the link below! 🙂


Okay, on my “prologue”, I said cousins’, meaning I was showing wedding videos of two of my cousins who got married. Unfortunately, it’s not available on the wedding videographer’s website and it’s on my Tita’s private profile on Facebook! Arrrggh. Anyway, the video is by Bob Nicolas and I’ll just share the link here for his website.


For people who are planning to get married, I think getting a GOOD and CREATIVE wedding videographer is a MUST and should be part of the wedding budget! They just make your wedding so much speciallll!! They have this way of making the bride seem the most beautiful, the most cherished and the most awaited human being ever awaited for in the entire universe! For the groom, videographers kind of make them seem a gentleman or the perfect match for the bride. Haha. kidding! They also have good taste in music! Notice that the music they use really match the theme of the video, the status in the society of the couple and other things. They are just so awessssooomeeeee. And you get to be an “artista” oh dba? 🙂